February 26, 2013

The World of Tattoos


I have several tattoos, including a full sleeve on my left arm. My tattoo artist is a close friend whom I went to college with. Most of my friends have tattoos. My boyfriend also has a full left sleeve (we both had them when we met - they drew us together), he also has a gigantic rib piece on his right side, and a new one started on the left side of his back. My brother has a full right sleeve, a giant rib piece on his right, and a chest piece. Our parents... accept them. Our father just shakes his head and asks why. Our mom definitely seems more into them. My brother also has huge stretched ears. When we go out in public with our mom she calls us her "freak children" and seems to get a kick out of it. She's really down to earth about them. My self adopted brother (my real brothers best friend) has a full right sleeve, a chest piece and probably several others. My point is I love tattoos. The people I love, love tattoos. My friends and family alike all support my love of tattoos. My co-workers enjoy my tattoos. My boss has said she will never ask me to cover my tattoos, unless someone complains, because they are a great conversation starter. She says she only ever hears people ask me questions and give me compliments on them. Which is true. Until today.

While I understand that tattoos aren't for everyone, and not everyone enjoys them, I don't feel I should have to make exceptions, changes, or excuses to those people. The world is becoming more acceptable of tattoos, but they still aren't quite where tattoo lovers alike hope for them to be. Granted, most tattooed people don't care whether people like them or not, myself included. Even the once in a blue moon when I meet someone who does not approve, I still don't care.

Today was a bit different. I don't think it was so much what the woman said but how she said it. I work in customer service. I might add this is not my long term choice of work. I am a Graphic Designer in training, and I think pretty much any artist can get away with tattoos. Graphic Designers especially. I do understand that tattoos aren't accepted in every work environment, but I also am aware of doctors, lawyers, police officers and any other "professional" line that are covered in tattoos. So today I was at work. I was helping this older woman, by older I mean at least 70s or 80s. Right off the bat she seemed like one of these miserable seniors that think society and the world has done them wrong. It really didn't matter that I'm tattooed, she was probably going to be a bitch anyway. We charge for plastic bags at my work place, which was the first thing she wanted to complain about "I don't understand at all why I should have to pay for a bag." Without going into this argument too far, I'll just point out her choice of words "why *I* should have to pay", as if she's the only person that ever gets charged. I mentioned to her that since we've started charging, we've seen a significant decrease in consumption of plastic - "ya but it doesn't seem right that the government charges, it's just a bag, they make so much money off of me already"... OK lady, here's your book (now get out!)

But before she walks away she does a double take at my arm "ohhhh.... I was wondering what was wrong with your arm and then I saw that!" Might I add again, that I had already been talking to this woman for at least a couple of minutes before this came out of her mouth. Now, either she is so self absorbed that she really didn't notice, OR she did and decided to continue with her bitchiness and point it out. Regardless of which, I just smiled, as I usually do. She then follows with "Oh it's just not nice, here we all are trying to take care of our skin and then you people go and do things like that, it's just awful!" You people?! I can finally understand how people feel when that's directed racially. Wow. She kept going though "it's just... it.... I just don't understand it!" I only replied with "well that doesn't make it wrong." I usually respond to people of these sorts with "I didn't have your opinion in mind when I got it done" or "well I like it", and generally I don't bother to get upset over people like this, I'm not even really upset, just annoyed. It may surprise you to hear, the people I get negative comments from the most are women in their 40s-50s. Anyone under 40 I usually find accepting, even older seniors I don't hear many negative comments. It's funny how many little old ladies want to look and touch and ask so many questions, they're just curious and I'm OK with that. Even older men, I don't know if it's because of war times, but they seem to be interested. Men of all ages actually, I find are pretty accepting. It seems to be the stuck up snooty women in their middle ages that are "disgusted". This woman seemed to be in a league of her own. I've never, in the years I've had tattoos, met someone that was SO put off by my life choices. I suppose I should feel bad for her, for being that close minded, and upset with the world for not following her rules.

What I'm getting at, is I really don't understand how one can be so negative and upset with the world around them. I'm surprised people live as long as they do being so unhappy and pissed off about everything. I certainly would not be the person I am, especially tattooed, having kept my mind that closed. I don't make my life decisions based on what others might think of me, and I certainly don't let those opinions stop me from making future decisions. I don't need to justify to anyone that I enjoy my life, but I do. I'm happy with every decision I've made and the way I live my life. To anyone who is tattooed, keep doing what you're doing and love every moment of it. To anyone who isn't, accept that people who are tattooed, are so because they love it, it's something they enjoy and they don't care for your opinion on the matter. To everyone, be humble, don't walk around with your head in the clouds and expect everything to go your way, if you feel the need to belittle others and be rude for no reason: keep your mouth shut.